What I didn't expect from taking this course was walking away with such a clear plan of action on how to move forward towards my goals. I figured that I would get some advice and take a few notes but the worksheets, screencasts, and periodical accountability stops, all helped me to break through to an attainable next step towards discovering what's next for me.

-Scott R.

So glad that I took the time for myself to take this course! Not only has Heather provided a wide array of information, she has provided quality content. She walks through exactly what is necessary to move past excuses and move on to obtaining your own personal goals!

-Brianna W.

Heather's course, Find Your Why, is easy to navigate through. She makes it fun, intuitive, humorous, and fully stocked with great content! Her use of occasional expletives only drive home points that she wants you to remember well beyond the course. I am looking forward to enrolling in more of her courses in the future!

-Salma P.