heather schulman

Heather's Bio

Heyyyyy! I am SO happy you are here! My name is Heather Schulman. I am the creator and author of You Point Two Academy and its content and eCourses. I guide people in finding the heart of what their passions, pursuits, and purposes are when trekking through this life. More specifically I dive into what mothers of adult children, searching for their “why”, are needing to assist them as they navigate “post-motherhood” (ugh…there really is no such thing as post-motherhood; we NEVER stop being mothers).

I want you to be empowered to do whatever it is you have always wanted to do! The guides, eCourses, resources, and more in You Point Two Academy will serve as tools that you can go back to over and over. These tools are designed to dig deep, help you own who you are, glorious and flawed (YASSS GIRL!), and push you into your own self-realizations so you can push past whatever may be holding you back. Let’s get to work, honey.

For real tho… I have described myself as an adult navigation guide for phoenix mothers. Okay, so let me break that description down. First thing that may pop out at you is “phoenix mother”. No, I do not live in Phoenix, although I am sure there are plenty of lovely mothers and others there. A phoenix mother is defined as a woman, who after her child(ren) have grown and left home, is now in the life stage of rediscovery. This rediscovery is of oneself, her place in the world, her place in the home (misogynist jokes need not apply here), her attitudes about this stage in her life, how she copes with this stage, and how she “rises above the ashes of her former self”. Ashes are not a negative connotation as synonymous of shedding a bad former existence. It is rather that she is rising to a new level beyond the cultural confines of what a mother is and was. Phoenix implies that this stage is cyclical. She has the rights and ability to invent herself over and over if she so desires.

Adult navigation? Oh…so I we’re in the business of “adulting” now? Well…yeah…. Trust and believe that I would love to earn money simply by parking myself on some sand, mint mojito and bujo (I’ll explain that later) in hand, and “letting it rain”. Unfortunately, though, that’s not typical of any top earner without a butt-load of front-end work. Suggestions for an accurate measurement of butt-load are most welcome. At the ripe, young age of 45, I have, quite literally, just graduated magna cum laude from the University of North Alabama with a master’s degree in Professional Studies with an emphasis on Community Development. Ooof, that’s a mouthful.

I have expertise in project planning, event coordination, research, logistics, and community development. I have assisted in the planning and coordination for charity work from fundraising to golf tournaments. I have chaired committees for event planning and lean management. Between work in coordination and logistics of supply chain, to human resources, to community work, I have spent an extensive amount of time in the research of how to help make myself a source of knowledge as well as teaching others on how to help themselves be resourceful and self-sufficient.

Getting a little personal: I live about an hour Northeast of metro Atlanta in Georgia. I am a recent graduate who feels like student was going to be my career choice for a hot minute there. I have two adult daughters who are friggin’ awesome! I have an amazing man in my life with an equally amazing 15-year-old son. I love to climb Stone Mountain, journal in my bujo (there’s that word again), and generally just feel like I am always doing something daily to better my life and the lives of those around me.

Work with me?: I would love that! Please take a peek here at the various ways you can hire me to help you! *insert jerry mcguire meme here*